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Kamis, 26 Desember 2013

Ujian calon profesi apoteker itb dan unpad desember 2013

I just wanna share my story about how i can do the test in itb and unpad in early december 2013, if u wanna try to do the test in itb, u must (u should follow this step) :
1. Register online in itb's website, u will get agreement letter/memorandum ( sign on after put materai )
2. Pay some money (rp.500.000) exactly, and keep the receipt
3. U must have toefl certificate ( how much your score ? Ya it doesnt metter) 
4. Certificate from your university and transcript score (min ipk 2,75) its ok, if it not come out yet, u can get document/letter that explain if u have been passed from your faculty
5. U send point (1-4) to pharmacy building.
6. U will get yout test card (-H1) or u can get it before u do examination (TU open at 8/9 and and take a rest at12:00-13:00)
7. U have time for do the test about 4/4:30 hours. ( farmakokimia, farmokologi, farmakognosi and farmasetika) for each subject the time that give is different.
8. Good luck. Hopefully this artical can help u a lot, if u wanna know about the questions or the others u can contact me on twitter or leave a comment :)

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